Butcher’s Block Experience for Ten People at Ramsay's Bar & Grill Mayfair

Quantity Available : 20
Minimum Bid £1,395
(Next minimum bid: £1,395)

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Quantity Available : 20
Price £1,397
Product Description
An impressive venue for lunch meetings or dinner celebrations, or simply an opportunity to enjoy a truly unique dining experience with a bespoke menu. Enjoy a glass of champagne and delectable snacks upon arrival, followed by a premium sharing 3-course set menu, thoughtfully crafted to showcase the finest flavours and ingredients. Each dish is a testament to culinary excellence, reflecting the expertise and passion of the Bar & Grill Mayfair team. Immerse yourself in the culinary artistry and savor the finest flavors in a setting that will leave a lasting impression.Available all day, every day. Excludes Key Dates (such as Valentine’s Day, Christmas Day, NYE etc). Menu is subject to change,in line with seasonal changes. Beverages must be purchased from the restaurant directly. Valid for 12 months.