Exclusive Michelin-starred Dining Experience at Roots York Hosted by Great British Menu Finalist Will Lockwood for Six people

Quantity Available : 20
Minimum Bid £2,195
(Next minimum bid: £2,195)

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Quantity Available : 20
Price £2,197
Product Description
Hosted by head chef and BBC’s Great British Menu Finalist Will Lockwood, enjoy a gastronomic tasting menu experience at Roots York inspired by the heritage of their farming and growing roots in a modern, laid-back, city centre dining room. You’ll start with cocktails before delving in to their Signature Tasting Menu with accompanying drinks package plus a very special addition of the Fish Course that featured on Will’s Great British Menu line-up! You’ll be sent on your way with a signed copy of Tommy Banks Cookbook, Roots.Included: Arrival CocktailSignature Tasting Menu with accompanying drinks package for 6 with exclusive Great British Menu Fish courseSigned copy of Tommy Banks Cookbook Please note this experience is available Wednesday – Friday and valid for 12 months. Max 6 people. Soft drinks package available. All dates subject to availability.